Mind of J

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2023.6.6 (Tuesday)

at 13:53  

セックス選手権   [ピンクなネタ]

 "Sex is a sport or not?"はさておき、「Sexにおいて優位で、主導権を握るのは、常に女性」ってのが、「へぇ~」って感じだ。

Sex is one of the few sports or the only sport that women dominate on almost every level.

It is a heavy blow to men who have stigmatized women for thousands of years. Women are more superior in sex as a sport than any other sport.

Women dominate and are better in almost all branches than men, which creates a strong resistance among a wide audience that still wants men’s dominance over women.

 24時間監視された上に、主観が拭えない「芸術性」とかで評価されちゃうのか… (^^;;

「セックス選手権」のスウェーデンでの開催が決定、主催者は「セックスはスポーツ」と主張 - GIGAZINE [2023/06/05]

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